
Top myths about a Career in Psychology

In this article, we have listed down some of the top myths about a career in Psychology.

When you tell people you study Psychology, their first response is, ‘Can you tell me what I am thinking?’ or ‘Can you read his/her mind?’

If you are a Psychology student, I am sure you will be able to relate to this. There are many misconceptions about the study of Psychology, let alone having a career in this field. The world outside Psychology has always been curious and wondered what clinicians exactly do in this field. Today’s culture has implanted so many wrong notions about Psychology in people’s minds that they have started to believe every misleading myth about a career in the field of Psychology.

They only focus on what is wrong with People

Most of us have been made to believe that psychologists only treat “abnormal” individuals. Well, this is not entirely true. There is a particular branch of psychology which is known as Clinical Psychology, it relates to the study of psychological disorders and abnormal behaviors. However, many people don’t know that Psychology goes way beyond this.

Few job opportunities in psychology

Well, the field of psychology offers several jobs if you think outside the box. Psychology studies human behavior and numerous applications for knowledge like that. Besides, there are a wide variety of jobs in this field, including academic counselor, behavioral technician, life coach, and much more.

Psychologists can fix People

While mental health providers apply various techniques to their client’s mental illnesses or needs, therapists don’t fix their clients. However, these therapists can only act as a guide, life coach, or support system; the client incites the change from the therapy.

All psychologists do the same thing

This is not true at all! All psychologists’ job varies based on their specializations, specific client populations, and areas of interest. Some of these psychologists conduct experiments, while others help children in academic settings, and the list goes on.

Psychologists can read minds

I am sure many of you must have heard this one. This is not true at all. Psychology studies the mind, human nature, human behavior, and how people interact in society. But no psychologist will ever claim that they can read your minds or what is going on in your minds.

Read more: Why study Psychology degree in 2022?

Mental illnesses eventually go away

This is the most popular myth related to psychology. Well, it is false. The symptoms might diminish for a short span of time, but they are likely to return when the individual is exposed to any kind of stress, so it is better to get it treated before anything terrible happens. While many people may not take this seriously, mental illnesses can lead to terrible consequences such as violence, suicide, or homelessness if not treated correctly or on time.

Psychologists and psychiatrists do the same thing

Yes, psychologists and psychiatrists both treat patients with mental illnesses, but psychologists mainly work with people in therapy to change thought patterns, build better reactions to stress, and manage their emotions. While on the other hand, psychiatrists mainly treat chemical imbalances in the brains that lead to mental illnesses. Psychiatrists have received a Ph. D and completed an approved internship before receiving their license.

Psychologists only work in the Hospitals

Again, this is false. Psychology is a diverse and broad field that encompasses the study of human thoughts, nature, emotion, personality, behavior, development, and more. Psychologists do work in hospitals, but they also work in prisons, human resource departments, schools, counseling departments, sports, industrial sectors, and the list goes on. Research and teaching are also very common.

Psychology is not Science

It is commonly heard how Psychology is not natural Science. Well, psychology is indeed legitimate science. Researchers within the field carry out multiple experiments to test hypotheses. Psychologists also use qualitative and quantitative research methods such as focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, or surveys to understand behaviors and cognitive processes. Moreover, revolutionary experiments are conducted to see how our brain reacts or functions, how we make friends, and how stress or trauma can affect us.

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By Natasha Irshad

Natasha Irshad holds a degree in Marketing & Management from University of London. She is interested in writing about education and pop culture.

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