
Germany’s Teacher Shortage Triggering Academic Recession

Germany is struggling to find enough skilled teachers to cover growing enrolment in its educational institutions, media reports say. Critics claim the problem was identified a long time ago but the state did little to acknowledge it.


Education The Victim As Suicide Bomber Hits Kabul Tuition Centre

A deadly suicide bombing on an education and tuition centre in the Afghan capital left at least 48 people dead on Wednesday, the latest in a series of deadly attacks that have hit the country in recent months.


Can, Or Do, Global Rankings Gauge Quality Of University Education?

Global rankings provide no meaningful measure of education quality at universities across the world. International experts present their case. 


By Philip G Altbach and Ellen Hazelkorn

The most influential global academic rankings – the highly influential Shanghai Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU), Times Higher Education World University Rankings and QS Top University Rankings – have been in existence for more than a decade and are now a major force in shaping higher education worldwide.