
Remote Brazilian Jungle School Wins World’s Best New Building Award

The Children Village Complex, a remote Brazilian jungle school, has been named the worlds’ best new building, winning the prestigious RIBA International Prize 2018. The Children Village complex in Tocantins, northern Brazil, has been serving the poor and indigenous children of the district and will now house 540 children in new dormitories, in a locality where children once had to travel through the dense rainforest to reach school.


Math Education Perturbing Educators Around The World

Mathematics is now becoming a headache for schools across the globe, troubling academicians and educators who have lost confidence in the discipline. Researchers, academics and educators are working hard to suggest best practises for improving the math curricula, however, the need of the hour is to understand the underlying trends and challenges confronted by math education.


Education Not Enough To End Income Inequality: OECD Social Mobility Report

For each year that a child spends in education, the gap between the rich and poor grows wider, according to a new OECD social mobility report. With a manifold increase in income inequality since 1990s, social mobility factors have stalled, meaning that fewer people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder have moved up, the report findings state.